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赵亚琴 ,女,1977年出生,硕士生导师。2004年获理学硕士, 2008年获理学博士,2010.2~2012.2山西大学生物学博士后,2013.6-2015.6 复旦大学化学系博士后,2005至今,在山西大学分子科学研究所工作。主要从事生物无机化学、分子生物学等方面的研究。作为主要成员先后参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、省部级项目多项,目前主持并完成国家自然科学青年基金一项,主持山西省自然科学基金多项。






(1) Zhao Yaqin; Guo Xiaojuan; Yang Binsheng ; Calcium-induced human centrin 1 self-assembly a nd double-regulating the binding with peptide R18-Sfi1p, International Journal of Biological Macr omolecules, 2019, 128: 314-323

(2) Zhao, Yaqin; Chu, Xuefeng; Yang, Binsheng ; Electrochemical behavior of hemin binding with human centrin 3, BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY, 2017, 117: 15-22

(3) Zhao Yaqin; Chen Dong; Yang Jing; Yang Binsheng ; Visual and fast detection of trace copper ions using biosensor based on FRET, Spectrochimica acta a, 2019, 217: 101-106

(4) Zhao Yaqin; Yang Jing; Chao Jianbin; Yang Binsheng ; Calcium and phosphorylation double-regulating caltractin initiating, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 136: 503-511

(5) Zhao Yaqin; Cui Xiaofang; Yu Lu; Yang Binsheng ; Electrochemical characterization of Fe center from hemin binding with Yersinia pestis heme-protein acquisition system, Electrochimica Act a, 2019, 298: 518-524

(6) Zhao Yaqin, Yan Jun, Chao Jianbin, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng*, The biochemical effect of Ser166 phosphorylation on Euplotes octocarinatus centrin, J Biol Inorg Chem, 18 (1), pp 123‐136, 2013.

(7) Zhao YaqinCui XiaofangBinsheng Yang. Conformational discrimination of three human centrins. RSC Adv2017744348-44355.

(8). Zhao YaqinGuo XiaojuanBinsheng YangRegulation of centrin self-assembly investigated by fluorescence resonance light scattering. RSC Adv20177,10206-10214.

(9). Zhao Yaqin; Xu Qiming; Xu Wei; Wang Dangdang; Jason Tan; Zhu Cuiqing; Tan Xiangshi, Probing the molecular mechanism of ceriumoxide nanoparticles in protecting against the neuronal cytotoxicity of Aβ1-42 with copper ions, Metallomics, 2016.7.8, 8: 644~647.

(10) Zhao Yaqin; Yan Jun, Feng Ya-nan, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng, Analysis of the role of Mg2+ on conformational change and target recognition by ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus centrin; J Photochem Photobiol B; 2011, 105 (1), 60-68.

(11) Zhao Yaqin; Yan Jun, Song Li, Feng Ya-nan, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng, Analysis of lanthanide-induced conformational change of the C-terminal domain on centrin; J Fluoresc; 2012, 22 (1), 485-494.

(12) Zhao Yaqin; Yan Jun, Song Li, Feng Ya-nan, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng, The interaction between lanthanide (III) and N-terminal domain of Euplotes octocarinatus centrin; Spectrochim Acta Part A; 2012, 87, 163-170.

(13) Zhao Yaqin; The biochemical effect of Ser166 phosphorylation on Euplotes octocarinatus centrin; J Biol Inorg Chem; 2013, 18 (1), 123-136.

(14) Zhao Yaqin; Song Li, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng, Characterization of self-assembly of Euplotes octocarinatus centrin; J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biology; 2009, 95, 26–32.

(15) Zhao Yaqin; Feng Jiuying, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng, The characterization for the binding of calcium and terbium to Euplotes octocarinatus centrin; Spectrochimica Acta Part A; 2009, 71, 1756-1761.

(16) Zhao Yaqin; Diao Xiuling, Yan Jun, Feng Ya-nan, Wang Zhijun, Liang Aihua, Yang Binsheng,Analysis of Tb3+- and melittin-binding with the C-terminal domain of centrin in Euplotes octocarinatus; J Lumin; 2012, 132 (4), 924-930.


(1) 赵亚琴; 杨斌盛 ; 一种蜂毒素的制备方法, 2019-1-15, 中国, ZL 2016 1 0021184.9 (专利,已转化)

(2) 赵亚琴; 李妙鱼; 崔小芳 ; 一种二氧化氯的制备方法, 2019-1-11, 中国, ZL 2016 1 0371333.4 (专利,已转化)



2、山西省自然科学基金:线粒体蛋白miNT介导的2Fe-2S簇转运分子机制(202103021224021) ,主持


4、山西省自然科学青年基金:稀土离子对中心蛋白聚集、磷酸化行为的调控(2011021006-1) ,主持




